USGIF concluded its largest ever GEOINT Symposium, attracting 4,451 attendees and exhibitors from the defense, intelligence and homeland security communities. Those who attended the event in San Antonio, Texas, had a rare opportunity to explore the latest technologies from 252 exhibitors as well as hear from and meet with key Defense, Intelligence and Homeland Security Community leadership.

Latest News
November 28, 2011
Record Number of Attendees and Exhibitors Participate in USGIF’s GEOINT 2011 Symposium
November 7, 2011
Thank you for attending GEOINT 2011 – View the Symposium Proceedings
If you would like to see proceedings from the GEOINT 2011 Symposium including, keynotes, panels, breakout tracks and other highlights from the Symposium, please visit GEOINTv.
Some slides from the Pre-Symposium Forum lunchtime workshop and slides from the DI2E breakout track are available to download. If USGIF receives slides from other sessions, we will post them within this news item.
November 1, 2011
GEOINT 2011 registration receipt requests
USGIF has recently received a lot of requests for registration receipts from the GEOINT 2011 Symposium.
Your symposium receipt is included in the confirmation that was emailed to the address you provided at registration. If you cannot locate that registration confirmation please contact Jspargo, our GEOINT 2011 registration help desk, at [email protected] to get your receipt.