Deadline to Submit Tech Talk Proposals Extended to July 15
July 7, 2011
Have you battled through developing and implementing interoperable services and solutions? Do you have lessons learned, best practices, or just tips and tricks for standing up capabilities and functioning in an interoperable environment? Share your experience and knowledge by presenting at the Interoperability Tech Talks during the GEOINT 2011 Symposium in San Antonio, Texas.
USGIF has extended the deadline to submit proposals for technical presentations on topics related to intelligence interoperability for the GEOINT 2011 Tech Talks. All abstract submissions must be submitted on or before 11:59 p.m. EST July 15. Tech Talks is only open to USGIF Members or USGIF Member organizations. It is an excellent opportunity for individuals and organizations to be recognized for work and expertise in the standards-based interoperability domain. Proposals must adhere to the following directions and guidelines in order to be considered for selection:• The Interoperability Tech Talks are not corporate marketing pitches. This is an opportunity to recognize individual or organizational efforts in interoperability.
• Presenters should keep in mind the GEOINT 2011 theme: Forging Integrated Intelligence.
• Presentations should focus on standing up an interoperable tasking, collecting, processing, exploiting and disseminating environments. For example, topics might include a ‘how to’ for integrating into, operating in or establishing an interoperable environment.
• All proposals must be emailed to “[email protected]”:mailto:[email protected] and be postmarked on or before 11:59 p.m. EST July 15.
• Submissions should include ONLY the following information on the first page:
o Label of “Submission for Interoperability Tech Talks”
o Title of the proposed presentation
o Name of the presenting organization
o Name of the presenter and his or her title
• An abstract or overview of the presentation should be attached as the second page. This is limited to a single page, single-spaced, Arial 12pt font with 1-inch margins.
• Proposals are to be in English and selected presentations will be limited to 15 minutes with 5 minutes for Q&A.
Ten or more proposals will be selected by the USGIF Technical Committee’s Interoperability Outreach Subcommittee. Selected presenters will be required to commit by early August to presenting at the GEOINT 2011 Symposium. Selected presentations will be featured at least one time in the morning or afternoon of Tuesday, Oct. 18, or Wednesday, Oct. 19, in the Tech Talks Theater.
New this year, highlights of the presentations will be incorporated into the daily GEOINTv news program and posted in full to This wider distribution will allow attendees as well as those not at the symposium to learn about intelligence interoperable capabilities. Acknowledgments for presentations also will be highlighted throughout the GEOINT 2011 program material.
The annual GEOINT Symposium is the nation’s largest intelligence event of the year. GEOINT 2011 expects to attract more attendees than GEOINT 2010, which had a record-setting attendance of 4,121 participants from the defense, intelligence, and homeland security communities as well as those in federal government, industry and academia.
All questions about this call for presentations should be directed to the Interoperability Outreach Subcommittee Co-chairs at [email protected].