Attend Tech Talks at GEOINT 2011

August 26, 2011

GEOINT 2011 Symposium
Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center
San Antonio, Texas
Tuesday Oct. 18 & Wednesday Oct. 19
Exhibit Halls A & B

Have you battled through developing and implementing interoperable services and solutions? Do you want to hear lessons learned, best practices, or just tips and tricks for standing up capabilities and functioning in an interoperable environment? Learn from other’s experience and knowledge by attending the Interoperability Tech Talks at the GEOINT Symposium.


Tuesday Oct. 18
9 a.m.
Harvesting Named Geographic Features from Raster Maps
Craig A. Knoblock

9:15 a.m.
Accessing Massive 3D Image Datasets
Geoffrey Peters
Urban Robotics

9:30 a.m.
Harvesting Open-Source Geospatial Information with Open-Source Tools
Denise Bleakly, Karl Horak, Michael McDaniel
Sandia National Labs

9:45 a.m.
Large Scale Fault Tolerant Preprocessing and Distribution of Map Imagery
Andrew Levine

10 a.m.
Effectively Managing Tremendous Data Growth with Limited Resources
Pat Thomas

4 p.m.
Building an open application framework for the aggregation, analysis and dissemination of spatially referenced data sets
Matt McCue
Woolpert Inc.

4:15 p.m.
Architectures for Decision Making
Aristos Dimitriou & Dr. John Carbone

4:30 p.m.
Harmonizing Data to Meet Requirements for NIEM Data Exchange
Don Murray
Safe Software

4:45 p.m.
A Human Factors Analysis of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s Web Presence
Maura C. Lohrenz, Michael E. Trenchard & Stephanie A. Myrick

5 p.m.
U.S. Geological Survey and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Data Processing and Delivery Partnership
Terry B. Bobbie

Wednesday, Oct. 19
9 a.m.
Improving Operational Efficiencies with Cross Domain Solutions
Jeremy Wilson

9:15 a.m.
Full Motion Video Analysis: Converging Tradecraft and Technology
James P. Dolan

9:30 a.m.
Discovering GEOINT Services Utilizing the Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise Framework (DI2E-F) Storefront
Ed Lane & Glenn Cruickshank

9:45 a.m.
GeoSynchronization and
Geospatial Enterprise Collaboration
Jeff Harrison
The Carbon Project

10 a.m.
Interoperability – Online and On Demand
Waylyn Blevins & Kevin Brown

10:15 a.m.
Leveraging a Net-Centric UDOP System to Provide an Interoperable PED Environment
Karla Torrez & Whitney Bobbitt

agenda subject to change

New this year, highlights of the presentations will be incorporated into the daily GEOINTv news program and posted in full to This wider distribution will allow you to see what you may have missed or revisit what you learned while attending.

Tech Talks is only open to USGIF Members or USGIF Member organizations to present. It is an excellent opportunity for individuals and organizations to be recognized for work and expertise in the standards-based interoperability domain.