
Time Event
Allder Golf Classic (8:00a - 4:00p, The Palmer Course La Cantera - Buses depart the Marriott Rivercenter at 6:30 AM)

Tee up your week at the GEOINT 2011 Symposium with a round of golf and innumerable networking opportunities at the Allder Golf Classic. Named in honor of William R. Allder Jr., the golf tournament proceeds help fund the annual USGIF Scholarship Program, which supports students pursuing education excellence in fields related to the geospatial intelligence tradecraft.

Pre-Symposium Science & Technology Forum: Intro & Keynote (9:00a - 9:30a, Grand Hyatt - Texas Ballroom, Salon A&B;)

Introduction: Dr. R. Maxwell Baber, Director of Academic Programs, USGIF

Keynote: Dr. Greg Smith, Chief Scientist & Deputy Director, InnoVision, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

PSST Forum — Fusion in the Information Spectrum: Multi-INT Analytics as an Alternative to "All-Source" (9:40a - 11:30a, Grand Hyatt - Texas Ballroom, Salon D)

As processing speed and data storage follow Moore’s Law and evolve away from being limiting factors in information gathering and analysis, the amount of data available to an analyst reaches a point of effective saturation. Efforts to take advantage of multiple observables, automatically fused into information, provide opportunities to replace this saturation with new insight. The key will be creating new concepts both for the merging of the data streams, and intuitive, accessible display of the resulting information. There is room for the entire community to contribute to this process, but especially for academia to provide innovative solutions to both the merge and display efforts. Speakers in this session will address technical and research issues associated with creation and display of fusion applications from government, developer, academic, and commercial perspectives.

Moderator: Barry C. Tilton, P.E., Senior Technical Advisor, Mission Support Directorate, Rapid Capabilities Office, National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) & Dr. Mark Abrams, Chief Scientist, Mission Support Directorate, Rapid Capabilities Office, National Reconnaissance Office


  • Dr. Curt Davis, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Director of the Center for Geospatial Intelligence, University of Missouri
  • Dr. Dave Messinger, Associate Research Professor, Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Dr. Chris Olsen, Professor, Remote Sensing Center, Naval Postgraduate School
  • Dr. Charlene Sailer, Research Professor, Remote Sensing Center, Naval Postgraduate School
PSST Forum — Socio-Cultural Dynamics: An Overview from a Diplomacy, Development, Defense and Intelligence Perspectives (9:40a - 11:30a, Grand Hyatt - Texas Ballroom, Salon C)

This session brings together leaders from across the diplomacy, development, defense, and intelligence communities to discuss the challenges and opportunities that GEOINT tradecraft is bringing to socio-cultural analysis in the prosecution of whole of government national security goals. The goal of this overview session is to broaden the audience’s awareness far beyond “the human terrain” and to shine a light on the wide range of national security activities that require a spatio-temporally aware understanding of the socio-cultural dynamics that shape security operations, whether they be CT, COIN, FID, SSTRO, HADR or security operations that fall outside of the established Defense Department categories.

Moderator: Chris Tucker, Principal, Yale House Ventures


  • CW5 Michael A. Harper, U.S. Army, Chief, Tactical Source and Enterprise Solutions Directorate & Military Deputy to the Director, U.S. Army Geospatial Center (AGC)
  • Elizabeth Lyon, Geographer, Engineer Research and Development Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Dr. Dan Plafcan, Policy Analyst and Portfolio Manager, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (OUSD)
  • Don Torrence, Director of Collection & Requirements Division, Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
PSST Forum — The Future of GEOINT Professional Development (9:40a - 11:30a, Grand Hyatt - Texas Ballroom, Salon F)

This participatory session explores possible future scenarios for the GEOINT community to appreciate prospective professional development issues through the lens of workers, educators, learners, and administrators. This offers a view to anticipate the future challenges of teaching and learning while generating ideas that might not have arisen from a strictly andragogical and pedagogical perspective. Speakers in this session will provide their vision of the future and a perspective the implications for the tradecraft and the geospatial intelligence professional.

Moderators: Dr. Todd S. Bacastow, Professor of Practice for Geospatial Intelligence, Penn State World Campus; and Susan Kalweit, Principal, Booz Allen Hamilton

  • COL Steven D. Fleming, U.S. Army, Academy Professor, United States Military Academy
  • Will Hopkins, Deputy Director, NGA College, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
  • Dr. Richard G. Johnson, Lead Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton
  • Jack O’Connor, Chief Learning Office, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
  • Mr. Kevin Stofan, Senior Geospatial Analyst, GeoEye Analytics

PSST Forum — WAS/WAPS/WAMI/FMV: Analysis of Video (11:45a - 1:15a, Grand Hyatt - Texas Ballroom, Salon A&B;)

Airborne and ground video collections (including collections systems commonly referred to as Wide-Area Surveillance, Wide-Area Persistent Surveillance, Wide-Area Motion Imagery, Full-Motion Video and Immersive Video System) have created a great problem for the intelligence community that inverts the old problem of a lack of data. We now have more video data than we can process and analyze. Turning data into information and subsequently analyzing this information is the focus of this panel discussion. HOW do we analyze all of this data? WHAT do we consider analysis and how much of this analysis can today be automated? During this session we will explore the current state-of-the-art and future trends for analyzing WAS/WAPS/WAMI/FMV/IVS.

Moderator: Darryl Murdock, Ph.D., Intelligence Community Account Manager, Esri


  • Ed Bohling, Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, PAR Government
  • John Herring, President and CEO, iMove, Inc
  • GEN Brian A. Keller, U.S. Army (Ret.), Vice President and Senior ISR Strategist, Intelligence Systems Business Unit, ISR Group, SAIC
  • Stephen W. Long, Director, ISR & BMC2 Integration and Technology, Northrop Grumman
  • Charlie Morrison, Director, Business Development, IS&GS Security, Lockheed Martin
  • Tom Murdoch, Senior Advanced Programs Manager, Geospatial Intelligence, Government Communications Systems Division, Harris Corp.
  • Dr. Paul Runkle, Chief Executive Officer, Signal Innovations Group
PSST Forum — Mobile GEOINT Applications (1:30p - 3:20p, Grand Hyatt - Texas Ballroom, Salon D)

Moderators: Mike Dean, Jack Greenspan, Terry Kanka

Mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets have become ubiquitous and are starting to provide powerful new platforms for GEOINT-on-demand. This presents compelling opportunities as well as significant challenges. Speakers in this session will address technical and research issues associated with mobile GEOINT applications from government, developer, academic, and commercial perspectives.

Moderators: Mike Dean, Principal Engineer, Raytheon BBN Technologies; Jack Greenspan, Senior Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton; and Terry Kanka, Software Systems Engineer, Principal Staff, The MITRE Corp.


  • Jay Crossler, Principal Systems Engineer, The MITRE Corp.
  • George Demmy, Chief Technology Officer, TerraGo Technologies

  • COL Mike Hendricks, U.S. Army, Associate Professor of Geospatial Information, United States Military Academy
  • Andrew Jenkins, Research Geographer, Data Representation Branch, U.S. Army Geospatial Center (AGC)
  • Ben Tuttle, Project Scientist, InnoVision Directorate, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
  • Avery White, Director of Geospatial Solutions Directorate, i3 Intelligence Community Solutions
PSST Forum — Socio-Cultural Dynamics: Lessons Learned (1:30p - 3:20p, Grand Hyatt - Texas Ballroom, Salon C)

This session is designed to let implementers of socio-cultural projects across diplomacy, development, defense and intelligence communities, convey the lessons learned about the challenges of geospatially enabling socio-cultural data. Leaders of operationally focused programs and analytically versed practitioners supporting the operators will capture what works, what does not, and where we should be going as a community in the future as Human Terrain confronts Advanced Analytics. This includes lessons from USSOCOM’s Skope Cell, the Human Terrain System, the Culture Map program, USCENTCOM Human Terrain, and other path breaking programs.

Moderator: Al Di Leonardo (LTC, U.S. Army, Ret.), President and Chief Executive Officer, The HumanGeo Group


  • Douglas E. Batson, Human Geographer, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
  • Julia Bowers, General Manager and Principle Senior Analyst for Human Terrain, SCIA
  • Brian Efird, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow, Center for Complex Operations, National Defense University (NDU)
  • Bari A. Lee, Functional Manager, SERENGETI Program, U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM)
  • Benjamin Smith, Human Terrain Analyst, Human Terrain Analysis Branch, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM)
PSST Forum — Space-Time Analytics (1:30p - 3:20p, Grand Hyatt - Texas Ballroom, Salon F)

Space and time provide the basic analytical framework to make connections among observations and knowledge to aid understanding and improve decision making. From natural processes to human activities, the ability to detect patterns and relationships in space and time holds the key to drawing insights from seemingly chaotic and random occurrences. Expanding beyond transactional and time-step analysis of temporal patterns is necessary to leverage time for advancing spatio-temporal integration. This session includes short presentations on current research in space-time analytics and an interactive panel-led discussion on research needs to address various GEOINT related foci, such as DI2E, new data sources (crowd sourcing), social-cultural applications, and activity-based intelligence.


  • Moderators: Dr. Kitty Hancock Co-director, Center for Geospatial Information Technology and Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech & May Yuan, Edith Kinney Gaylord Presidential Professor; Brandt Professor of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences; Director, Geoinformatics Program; Director, Center for Spatial Analysis, University of Oklahoma
  • Paul Dampier, Multi-Int Solutions Architect, Bit Systems
  • Daniel Griffith, University of Texas at Dallas
  • Sergio J. Rey, Professor of Geographical Sciences, Arizona State University
  • Arnold Boedihardjo, Research Scientist, Engineer Research and Development Center (Topographic Engineering Center), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • Elizabeth Sweet, Project Scientist, InnoVision, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
PSST Forum — People and Technology: New Sensing Paradigm for Geospatial Data Collection and Integration (3:30p - 5:20p, Grand Hyatt - Texas Ballroom, Salon D)

Technologies which are easy to use by individuals not trained in geospatial tools and techniques are now prevalent and have opened up new sources of geospatial data. In addition, they have provided new and emerging ways of collecting not only geospatial data but of integrating location with other types of information. Social media, Smart Phones, and other mobile devices are creating new ways in which data and information is being gathered by individuals and is creating opportunities and challenges for the geospatial community in building effective ways of using these new capabilities to help address public purpose needs in a sustained long-term infrastructure.


  • Moderators: John Moeller, President, JJ Moeller & Associates & Dr. Anthony Stefanidis Associate Professor, ESGS Department and Director, Center for Geospatial-Intelligence, George Mason University
  • Matt Ball, Co-Founder and Editor, Vector1 Media
  • Kari Craun, Director, National Geospatial Technical Operations Center, United States Geological Survey (USGS)
  • Ben Tuttle, Project Scientist, InnoVision Directorate, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
PSST Forum — Socio-Cultural Dynamics: Enabling Technologies (3:30p - 5:20p, Grand Hyatt - Texas Ballroom, Salon C)

This session is designed to examine practitioners and technology enablers who are pushing the bounds of Human Socio-Cultural technologies, from the social science to the technology, from organizing DoD’s big data to enabling open source technologies to speed the rate of development and understanding of Human Terrain. These panel members are designing and building the Socio-Cultural technologies across DoD, and have a unique technical perspective on geospatially- and temporally-enabled technologies being implemented across DoD and the Intelligence Community. These technologists and program managers will discuss what works and how to implement these technologies in the DoD and Intelligence Community.

Moderator: Jeff Jonas, Chief Scientist, IBM Entity Analytics IBM Distinguished Engineer, IBM Software Group


  • Lt Col Jason Bartolomei, U.S. Air Force, Capitol Hill Fellow
  • Dr. Ivy Estabrooke, Assistant Director for Human Social Cultural and Behavioral Technologies, Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD)
  • Terence J. Meyer, Chief Information Officer, Intelligence Directorate, United States Central Command (CENTCOM)
  • John A. Marshall, Defense Intelligence Enterprise, Joint Staff Intelligence Directorate, Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • Abe Usher, Chief Technology Officer, HumanGeo Group
PSST Forum — Big Data: The Engine for Future GEOINT Analytics (3:30p - 5:20p, Grand Hyatt - Texas Ballroom, Salon F)

The technology pioneered by Google earlier this century is starting to impact the way conduct GEOINT analytics. There isn’t an online business with the scale of GEOINT that doesn’t use HADOOP to power its success; companies like Facebook, Twitter, Amazon rely on Big Data to provide the online experience that leverage massive amounts of data in a way that makes our lives better. We know the technology is powerful, but there are many questions to answer. How do we get started? How is security impacted? How do I interact with other agencies? Who is responsible for managing the data? Our panel will discuss these questions and more, and we invite your input (#GEOINTBigData).


  • Moderators: Chris Powell, Director Geospatial Programs, NT Concepts & Dave Crandall, Principal, Booz Allen Hamilton
  • Louis Perrochon, Engineering Director, Google
  • Elizabeth Mazzella, Director of the Joint Operations Integration Office, Production Directorate, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
  • Bob Gourley, Chief Technology Officer, Crucial Point LLC
  • Sri Reddy, Trusted Concepts
Six Flags Over Texas Welcome Reception at Sunset Station - Buses depart the Grand Hyatt at 6:45 p.m. — Casual Attire Recommended (7:00p - 10:00p, Sunset Station)

Join your colleagues at Sunset Station for the GEOINT 2011 Welcome Reception. Providing the event’s theme, USGIF presents Six Flags Over Texas, a tribute to the unique blend of culture, cuisine and celebration giving Texas its distinct character.