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September 26, 2011

Less than a Month Until GEOINT 2011

Learn more about the city of San Antonio and what it has to offer you during your time at the Symposium.

September 9, 2011

Utilize Your Time at GEOINT 2011

In addition to the captivating GEOINT 2011 agenda, USGIF provides you with great opportunities for networking with peers, learning about new technologies, and discovering the latest defense, intelligence and homeland security solutions.

In order to maximize your time at GEOINT 2011, here are a few of the other activities you should consider.

August 26, 2011

Attend Tech Talks at GEOINT 2011

Attend the GEOINT 2011 Interoperability Tech Talks to hear lessons learned, best practices, or just tips and tricks for standing up capabilities and functioning in an interoperable environment. Learn from other’s experience and knowledge.

July 2, 2011

Congressman Rogers and Congressman Ruppersberger Confirm for Joint Keynote Presentation at the GEOINT 2011 Symposium

USGIF announces Rep. Mike Rogers, Mich-8, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee for Intelligence, and Rep. C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger, Md-2, ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee for Intelligence, will provide a joint keynote presentation during the eighth annual GEOINT Symposium.

June 21, 2011

GEOINT 2011 Housing & Registration Now Open

Housing for the GEOINT 2011 Symposium is now open. Book your room now.

GEOINT 2011 registration is now open with special discounts for attendees. Register now.

May 16, 2011

Registration Opens in June

Attendee registration for GEOINT 2011 will open in late June. 2011 Early Bird pricing will allow attendees to lock-in 2010 registration pricing, and USGIF has reduced the cost for government employees and active-duty military personnel.

April 26, 2011

Applications for the 2011 Scholarship Program Due THIS MONDAY

Winners receive a complimentary registration to the GEOINT 2011 Symposium.

The deadline to submit applications for the 2011 Scholarship Program is Monday, May 2.

April 18, 2011

2011 USGIF Award Program Now Accepting Applications

Applications for the 2011 USGIF Awards Program are now being accepted. Winners receive complimentary registration to the GEOINT 2011 Symposium and recognition of their work during the general session.

All submissions are due no later than 5 p.m. EST on Friday, Aug. 19.

March 22, 2011

USGIF Announces First Keynote Speakers for GEOINT 2011 Symposium

Confirming their participation in GEOINT 2011 are Gen. Keith B. Alexander, U.S. Army, commander, U.S. Cyber Command and director, National Security Agency (NSA); Bruce Carlson, director, National Reconnaissance Office (NRO); the Honorable James R. Clapper Jr., Director of National Intelligence; Gen. Douglas Fraser, U.S. Air Force, commander, U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM); Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler, U.S. Air Force, commander, U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM); Letitia A. Long, director, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA); and Adm. James A. “Sandy” Winnefeld Jr., U.S. Navy, commander, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and commander, United States Northern Command (NORTHCOM).

January 5, 2011

2011 USGIF Scholarship Program Opens on Jan. 18

Applications will be posted here.

Scholarship recipients receive complimentary registration to the GEOINT 2011 Symposium.

High school seniors, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students within the geospatial sciences field or one related to it are encouraged to submit applications by the May 2 deadline.